Saturday 28 December 2019

Looking Back - part 1

Well, it's that time of year again, when we take a short but rapid dash though the past year and look forward to a new one.
The year started predictably enough, with January and a welcome bit of sunshine to see the new year in. We had seasonal birds in the garden...
 some exotic-looking Mandarins...
 and a Great-crested Grebe in winter plumage to start things off.
It has become something of a habit for us to get away for a few days in January and this year, we went to Torquay. The winter weather in the UK can be a little hit-and-miss to say the least, but we struck lucky this year. Things were blooming...
 and this gorgeous Buzzard simply stole the show as it posed in the sunshine.
 It certainly didn't look like England in the depths of winter.
 Malcolm even shed a layer for his selfies!
 Back home again and the clear skies at night,
 meant we had some bitterly cold mornings.
It was still cold as January gave way to February...
 but soon, the Hazel trees were showing signs of warmer things to come.
 The garden birds were looking bright and colourful in anticipation of a busy breeding season...
 and the Snowdrops were putting on a show.
 A few winter wildfowl were still  to be found, like this rather fabulous Gadwall.
 Even the White Park Cattle were happy as they soaked up some early morning, golden sunlight.
 This Black-headed Gull, had jumped the gun somewhat, by getting into his full breeding plumage...
while on Mapperley Reservoir, we were treated to the sight of a large flock of (mostly female) Goosanders.
 Everything was in a hurry to start flowering, from these pretty little Coltsfoot...
 to the wonderfully coconut-scented Gorse.
 A visit to Attenborough Reserve provided us with some fine - but distant - views of a Little Egret.
More tomorrow, as I continue marching through the year's highlights.

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