Wednesday 18 December 2019

Dull, Dull, Dull

The only word to describe the weather this morning, is 'dull'. It was foggy and damp and the cold got through to the bone, but we were not gong to be put off, so we doggedly set off for Osborne's Pond. On the way, we passed these Highland Cattle.
They've not been in this field for long, but they seem to have already made a startlingly fine job of turning it into a muddy wallow. This morning though, as one of them peered at us through the fog, they were only interested in their nice fresh hay.
Further along and we passed a small stretch of water, which marks where the old colliery railway lines used to run past Hogg's Pond. There is usually a footpath alongside the water, but not today. It was all very flooded down there in the gloom...
On to Osborne's Pond, where the mist made everything rather moody and peaceful - until the Coots started arguing amongst themselves.
Two Mute Swans came to see if we had anything to eat...
Floating about among the Mallards and Coots, was a lone Muscovy Duck.
His bright bill and legs were certainly the brightest splashes of colour we saw this morning.
Time to head for home and some warming coffee.

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