Sunday 9 September 2018

Great Orme 2

Having only completed half of the walk around Marine Drive on Tuesday, we decided to reverse our tracks and do the other half on Wednesday afternoon. We began by climbing up along the tram tracks, a task which had been much easier the day before when coming down!
Despite the thigh-aching climb, the views back down to the town were good.
Eventually, we made it onto the grassy slopes near the top, and across the farmland.
Way out to sea, the Gwynt y Môr off shore wind farm was visible and a with a good zoom, you could make out the Dublin to Liverpool P&O ferry and a huge gas rig with flame burning.
A perfect way to spend an afternoon.
From here, it was back down to rejoin Marine Drive at the point where we left it the day before and to continue back round below the cliffs.
We were treated to the sight of a Peregrine Falcon as it pursued a pigeon and the sound of Ravens among the rocks too.
Soon, the Pier came back into view, marking the end of Marine Drive and a return to the town.
We didn't head straight back to the hotel though. As were passing, we decided to divert and take in the gardens of 'Happy Valley' - but more of that tomorrow!

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