Saturday 8 September 2018

Great Orme 1

On Tuesday, we set out to walk round the Great Orme. Marine Drive is a wonderful walk and you get some fantastic views. Below us, at the start of the walk, some very prestigious, million-pound + homes make you very jealous.
Further round, the cliffs sweep down to the grassy slopes below.
A pair of rather scarce Choughs flew past and Ravens called while displaying to each other.
The original idea was to complete the whole of Marine Drive, but the plan was changed when we got to the path up to the summit. So, up we went!
Close to the top, we passed the 12th century church of St. Tudno - Llandudno's original parish church.
Dotted around the area, the famous Kashmir Goats were keeping an eye on us. A gift to Queen Victoria from the Shah of Persia, the original pair of goats have multiplied and now number about 200 in all.
Finally, we reached the 679ft summit...
and some more fine views - this one, looking back down to the town.
Time to get back, this time, we took the direct route, following the Tram tracks back down to the town. Once again, we were being watched all the way. Sheep this time!
Just 7 miles this time - and a pretty steep climb. More about the Great Orme tomorrow.

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