Saturday 15 September 2018

Autumn's Coming

Much to Malcolm's chagrin, Autumn is well on its way. The Autumnal effects are beginning to be seen in the countryside. Around the lakes of Straw's Bridge, some of the trees are showing their true colours.
Looking south across the world towards the power station of Ratcliffe on Soar - some nine miles away, it's all starting to look a little more drab.
Of course, the bushes and trees are busy filling their branches with bright berries. The Hawthorns are particularly good, as are the Rose Hips - like these...
and these...
Some flowers are managing to put on a second flush of colour after the ravages of a such a hot, dry summer. This Lucerne (Medicago sativa)for example.
A few days ago, we were pleased to see a small stand of Buckwheat flowers (Fagopyrum esculentu).
This is not a familiar plant in the UK, but sometimes escapes from gardens and cultivated fields, where it is grown primarily for its seeds. But with flowers like this, it makes a quite a show.
A few late butterflies can still be found too. This Red Admiral, was enjoying those Rose Hips too.
Plenty more Autumn to come before winter gets a grip!

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