Tuesday 25 September 2018

Autumn Shades

It was decidedly nippy as we set out for our walk this morning. The thermometer had dipped to 2 degrees C over night and a light frost glinted on the car roof first thing - the chill has arrived unusually early it seems this year. Out and about, the signs of Autumn are showing everywhere. Leaves are turning to fiery reds and golds and fungi are popping up all over the place. We spotted these among the trees on Shipley Hill a few days ago.
As it was a dark morning and the woodland floor was even darker, a little flash was required which gave the scene a rather spooky look.
All is now quiet on Shipley Lake and even the Coots had stopped scrapping with one another - almost!
Around the lakes of Straw's Bridge, Spindle Trees (Euonymus europaeus) are fruiting, producing their brightly coloured orange seeds from within a shocking pink husk. They look almost unreal.
The wood of these trees is very hard and was once made into spindles for the wool industry as well as butchers skewers - hence the name.
Returning home this morning, through some of the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust's farmland, the morning sun was slanting through the trees, leaving dappled shadows on the ground.
A little digital 'bloom' gives it an even softer appearance. All rather beautiful...
... and still plenty more of Autumn to come.

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