Wednesday 15 August 2018

Round the Reservoir

A breezy day today, but still warm and rather humid as Malcolm and I set out for a walk through Shipley Park and around Mapperley reservoir.  The sound of young Great Crested Grebes demanding food from their parents echoed across the water as the wind rustled through the trees above.
At the far end of the reservoir, we stood to admire the hundreds of Yellow Water Lilies, flowering around the water's edge.
Further round, we stopped to check if the Mandarin ducks were still in residence (they were) and as we stood there, a movement caught my eye across the water. It turned out to be a gorgeous Fox, which had come to drink from the reservoir.
Soon he was off again, slinking into the trees and disappearing from view.
Last time we walked around the reservoir, I was delighted to find a new species for my 'life list'. Flitting through the hedge beside the water, this rather nondescript insect nevertheless caught my attention and after quite a bit of searching, I discovered that it was Britain's largest Caddis Fly (Phryganea grandis). Not as attractive as the fox, but still worth getting excited about!

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