Monday 20 August 2018

Reservoir 2

This morning's walk took us through Shipley Park, over Shipley Hill and down to Osborne's Pond. We stopped first, to have a look at the swans on Shipley Lake. The planned development of land round the lake, has not yet begun, so for now, everything is quiet - and rather beautiful this morning.
Onward and upward, we crossed the top of the Hill and walked along the old Suffragette Wall of Shipley Hall.
Then it was down the hill once more and onward to Osborne's Pond. The 'pond' is actually an old supply reservoir providing water to the many small, disused canals around the park. It is also a haven for wildlife.
The view just calls for a more panoramic view.
We stayed for a short while under the old oak at one end of the pond and enjoyed the views from there too.
All too soon, it was time to head for home, but one more little delight awaited us as we crossed the parkland. A Common Blue Butterfly was being unusually photogenic. Normally, butterflies flit off as soon as you point a camera at them, but this one was happy to pose!

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