Wednesday 4 October 2017

Out and Back

Yesterday found Malcolm and I taking his mum and her friend, for a short trip to Carsington Reservoir. It has been a long time since we visited the reservoir so it was good to get out and about there again.
It was a somewhat overcast day and the breeze was rather chilly, but at least it stayed dry as we walked around the water's edge. There was not much happening on the water. Just a couple of people fishing from row-boats lots of Coots, Greylag Geese and one Little Egret picking around the shallows.
We ended our trip out, with a nice lunch in Belper.
This morning, it was still overcast for our walk around our usual patch. We headed for Osborne's Pond along the track of an old railway line. The leaves are beginning to collect in large quantities as Autumn gets a hold.
With dog-walkers and horse riders using the same path, it can be a little tricky walking through Autumn leaves - you have to watch your step!
The colours of Autumn don't seem to be lasting long this year and the stiff breeze is doing its best to bring the leaves down just as soon as they turn colour.

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