Monday 9 October 2017

Early Start

We were up and about early this morning because Malcolm is away on his travels enjoying a few days of sunshine in Portugal. So, after taking him to the airport, I got back home for coffee, breakfast and an early walk. I started by heading for Mapperley Village and reservoir, along Slack Lane. at the reservoir, all was very quiet...
Just a few Coots, Gulls and a lone fisherman provided the company and from across the water, the sounds of distant geese and a calling grebe was all that could be heard.
Onward and upward, I headed for Shipley Hill.
Despite the gloomy conditions, the autumn colours were still quite lovely. The old Beech tree on the southern side of the hill, was looking wonderful...
Having manged to dodge a few Chestnuts falling from the trees - the squirrels were either being careless or they were shying them at me - it was safer out in the open.
A heavy dew made for a soggy walk across the grass, but a little 'bloom' on the pictures gives them an artistic feeling and highlights the colours.

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