Saturday 9 September 2017

Royal Botanic Gardens

One of the things we have to do when we visit Edinburgh, is to have a walk around the Royal Botanic Gardens. We first discovered its delights two years ago and on that occasion the weather was atrocious, so it was with some relief that this time, although dull and a little showery, it was a lot more conducive to an outdoor stroll. We started by heading for the 'Chinese Hillside.'
This area is dominated by small streams and rocky waterfalls tumbling through the foliage, before emptying into a small lake, passing under a typically oriental-looking bridge.
Some of the shrubs were already beginning to show signs of Autumn colour, contrasting nicely with those which were still flowering bravely.
Onward we went, passing some magnificent specimen trees and shrubs.
Below many of the trees, large patches of Autumn-flowering Crocus were colouring the borders...
While bright berries adorned the bushes with a lusciousness which made them look good enough to eat.
Here and there, some very exotic-looking plants caught the eye. This Roscoeae was particularly gorgeous.
Moving on to the Rock Garden area and water was again in evidence, forming pools among the rocks and more than 4000 different mountain plants.
Steps up through the plants, leading to unseen areas, give the rock garden a magical feeling, leeding you on to discover more.
Thankfully, it was quiet in the gardens (except for one group of over-excited grandparents and their charges). 
Again, more Autumn colour, this time punctuated by the more vibrant hues of some Turks Cap Lily.
That needs a closer look!
There was still much more to explore - and we haven't even got to the Glasshouses!

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