Friday 8 September 2017

Edinburgh Views

Carrying on around Queen's Drive, we found a patch of Viper's Bugloss growing by the roadside.
The blue of the Bugloss flowers contrasting with the yellow Ragwort and the views of Duddingston Loch below, made for a nice picture. The Bugloss flowers were proving very popular with the Bees too, and I inadvertently managed to include one in this photo.
Leaving views of Duddingston behind...
... we moved on until the imposing rock face of the Salisbury Crags came into view.
It was at this point that the whole of Edinburgh city centre started to come back into view too and we again had views of the Castle - complete with the remains of the tattoo seating around the esplanade - as well as the spires and domes of the other city buildings.
Soon, we were approaching the end of our walk round Holyrood Park, which meant that Carlton Hill and the Parliament building also came back into view.
Finally of course, the 16th century Palace of Holyroodhouse, along with the ruins of the 12th century Holyrood Abbey also demanded attention.
Time for one last, zoomed-in view of Carlton Hill from Holyrood Park.
Tomorrow, we move on to the Botanical Gardens...

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