Monday 25 September 2017

Cheer Up

It's been so wet and miserable this morning, that I thought it was best to try and cheer up a bit with some more pictures of Autumn colours around Shipley Park. Firstly, from under the lovely old Beech Tree on Shipley Hill, just beginning to change into its Autumn finery.
When we sat for our coffee the other day in the picnic area by Mapperley Reservoir, we used a different seat from usual (thanks to some scum-bags who think you are supposed to sit on the backs of the bench with your muddy feet on the seat). This gave us a slightly different view.
With a little digital manipulation, you get a rather painterly effect.
Around Shipley Hill, the trees are all dropping leaves and nuts on the ground, making for a busy time for the squirrels.
It won't be long before this Silver Birch has dropped all its leaves, but for now, the sunshine illuminating them from behind as they turn yellow, made for a nice picture.
Out on the open meadows between Shipley a Cinder Hills, the scene was dominated by the shiny, black rolls of plastic-coated silage, waiting to be collected and stored for winter fodder.
With such a rich variety of grasses and wild flower species, it promises to be a tasty treat for the livestock when they're confined to their sheds in the months to come.

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