Friday 22 September 2017

Autumn Colours

It seems to come round quicker every year, but it's that time once again, when the countryside begins to glow with Autumn colour.
As we set out for our walk to Osborne's Pond this morning, the chill in the air spoke of yet chillier days to come and falling leaves marked the start of autumn.
It was one of those bright, sunny mornings when you just want to be out and about enjoying the day and the colours.
Around Shipley Lake, the Maples are beginning to look their best, with the promise of more to come.
Already, some trees are displaying a breathtaking richness of colour.
With closer view and with a bright blue sky as backdrop, it just gets better.
With a little digital 'bloom', the trees on Shipley Hill make for a beautiful picture too.
No doubt there will much more to come over the next few weeks as Autumn strengthens its grip on the countryside.

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