Wednesday 19 July 2017

Chase Again

We found a suitable site for us to sit for a while and eat our lunch. Malcolm had made cheese and tomato sandwiches (delicious), which we ate in the sunshine, surrounded by trees.
Soon, it was time to start walking back to find where we'd left the car. We took a different return route which wound its way along a wide path with mixed woodland either side of us.
By now, it was getting very hot and the scent of pine resin and sound of Gorse seeds popping, filled the air as we trudged along, hoping we were heading in the right direction.
Here and there, evidence of pine logging lay along the paths, with warning signs telling us not to climb on them.
We soon returned to more familiar sights and more open areas of the heath where Heathers added splashes of bright purple to the sides of the paths.
The little cup-shaped flowers of these Bell Heathers were proving very popular with the bees.
By this point, we were very nearly back to where we started, so with one last look out across the Chase, we returned to the car for a well-earned rest and cup of coffee from the flask.
Despite the frustrations of an incorrect walk guide, it had turned out to be a lovely walk and a great day. We will definitely be back one day.

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