Tuesday 18 July 2017

Cannock Chase

Yesterday, Malcolm and I decided to take a trip somewhere new to me and where Malcolm hasn't visited for many years. So we set out, with picnic and flask, to take our daily walk around Cannock Chase. This Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty sits in the county of Staffordshire and consists of swathes of natural deciduous forest, conifer plantations and lots of open heath.
We parked at the Glacial Boulder Car Park, named for the large Glacial Erratic used to mark the place.
Onto the walk itself and as we emerged through the trees, the vista opened up before us. Here, looking North, in the direction of Uttoxeter.
Bilberries were fruiting in great profusion around this area and Silver Birch trees provided a little shade on a very hot day.
We set off, turning downhill towards the Sher Brook.
Soon realising that the direction I had printed off, were of no use whatsoever, we carried on regardless and soon crossed the brook at some picturesque stepping stones.
Then, up through some mixed woodland...
with a few very large and impressive specimen Fir trees.
Leaving the woods, and crossing the A513, we took the path over the river Trent.
Reaching the village of Little Haywood, we decided to turn around a retrace our steps to find somewhere to stop for our picnic.  More to come tomorrow...

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