Wednesday 10 May 2017

Lakes and Sunshine

Following a few days of dull and cold weather, it was nice to be out and about once again this morning, in the warm sunshine. We decided on a shorter stroll around the lakes of Manor Flood and Straw's Bridge. First, down to the Manor Flood and a chance for some larger, panoramic pictures.
Surprisingly, there was not much bird life to be seen on the lake, just an odd Coot picking around in the reeds, a lone Moorhen making a great fuss as it fluttered away from us and the usual pair of Great Crested Grebes. Apart from that, all was quiet on the lake.
From here, we set out around the smaller lakes which go to make up Straw's Bridge. Here too, all was peaceful.
The Hawthorn bushes are all coming into full bloom right now and in the sunshine, their rather strange fragrance filled the air. It's something of a acquired taste!
But the blossom is wonderful to look at - if not to smell. Time for one more panorama...

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