Friday 5 May 2017


Another fine, but rather windy day, saw Malcolm and I taking a longer walk than usual around Shipley Park. We started out by climbing Shipley Hill to take in those wonderful Bluebells once more before they begin to fade. Above the Bluebells, the Rhododendrons are now starting to display their finest colours.
Among those which grow around the grounds of the old hall, a couple of pink flowered beauties particularly stand out.
Onward across the meadows towards Cinder Hill, we took advantage of the exercise machines there. Malcolm likes this one in particular. Keep in time now. 'Up, one..two..
down, one..two..
All together now.... Keep young and beautiful....!
That's more than enough of that!
Further on and the Apple trees on Cinder Hill were in full bloom looking lovely against the blue sky.
We diverted from our intended path for a while, so that we might take in some of the fantastic new paths laid down across what had, until recently been, open cast mining. These new paths make for some fine walking with great views across the fields.
In the distance, a Whitethroat (Sylvia communis) was singing his heart out on a tree. Having recently returned to Britain all the way from South Africa, it's a wonder he still has enough energy to sing at all.
It was a 'flask day' today, so we stopped for coffee by Mapperley Reservoir on our way back. Unfortunately the chilly wind curtailed our rest somewhat, so as soon as the coffee was finished, it was off again, returning home via Mapperley (Bluebell) woods. A grand morning all round and having walked nearly seven miles, we'd had plenty of exercise too.

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