Thursday 9 March 2017

More Spring Flowers

Today's theme was going to be 'Spring Bulbs', but despite the beautiful sunny weather, it was so windy, that it proved to be quite difficult to get a good shot of the Daffodils blooming on Shipley Hill. So instead, I focused on some other Spring blooms making an appearance at the moment. Firstly, the Blackthorn blossom opening in the hedgerows.
Set against the deep blue sky, these snow-white flowers are usually among the first to greet the new season and this year, they seem to be quite early.
Quite beautiful!
Along Slack Lane, the Gorse is also blooming.
This prickly member of the Pea family is quite capable of flowering all year round - even in the depths of Winter - but in the early Spring sunshine, their bright yellow flowers are a most welcome sight.
It was too windy this morning to appreciate their coconut scent, but that leaves us something to look forward to next time - hopefully the Daffodils will get a mention next time too!

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