Monday 13 March 2017

Bulbs and Blossom

Despite the chilly breeze this morning, the sun was shining and it was a glorious day for getting out and about. Malcolm and I set out for a walk around Shipley Hill and then onward to Osborne's Pond. On the hill, the Daffodils are now in full bloom.
This year's Snowdrops are all but finished now, so the appearance of the Daff's has filled that particular niche. Everyone else seemed to be out and about too on such a beautiful morning but at least it was quiet among the trees.
Last year, the display of Daffodils was rather disappointing, but they are certainly making up for it this year with wonderful drifts of nodding, yellow blooms to stimulate the senses.
A lack of wildfowl meant that all was quiet on Osborne's Pond and as we turned our feet towards home again, we passed several trees in full bloom. The Blackthorns and some early Cherry trees were looking spectacular in the sunshine.
This cherry tree, close to Shipley Lake, was particularly beautiful and full of Honey Bees taking advantage of the sunshine and an early source of nectar.
That needs another picture...
Home for coffee I think!

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