Tuesday 14 February 2017

Mud and Livestock

At last, we had a little sunshine this morning. It has been so wet lately, that we've not been able to get out and about as much as we would like - hence the dearth of posts over the last few days. But with a bit of brightness this morning, Malcolm and I tried to ignore the mud beneath our feet and the puddles threatening to engulf our trainers and headed for the 'Farm Walk.' A lone horse came over to greet us as I stopped to take his picture.
I was getting the eye from him as if to say 'If you've not got anything to eat, I'm off.'
A little further on, we came across the herd of white cattle taking it easy in the mud with a view of the Ilkeston skyline in the distance.
One particular beast seemed to be enjoying the soporific effect of the morning sunshine as he stood in the mud.
Others were taking it all lying down - at least they didn't mind the mud.
This youngster seemed as interested in us, as we were in it.
Home again for coffee, tip-toeing through the mud as we went.

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