Thursday 16 February 2017

Highland Cattle

More livestock this morning as Malcolm and I walked around Shipley Woodside. The Highland Cattle belonging to the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust are always good to see. At the moment however, it's even more worthwhile because one of the cows has recently given birth to the most adorable bull calf. Mother and child have been kept inside for a while due to the bad weather, but the appearance of a little sunshine, has meant that the new baby has been allowed out with his mother. She was keeping him well away from us this morning across the other side of their field.
She is certainly an attentive mother, never letting her baby stray very far from her.
Then it was time for a quick wash and brush-up. Baby wasn't too pleased about that, particularly when mother decided to wash behind his ears.
What a little cutie he is and I'm sure he will feature in many more photos in the weeks to come.

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