Thursday 5 January 2017

Fresh Start

Here we are again at the start of another year and after the rigours of Christmas and New Year, we are off to our usual quiet start. The old year left us on a rather foggy note as our strolls around Shipley Park demonstrated.
The sun shining through the trees made for a somewhat atmospheric look and a little digital manipulation helps here too.
At Straw's Bridge, the swans were enjoying the sunshine too.
Looking back to last July, you may remember that I photographed a caterpillar in our back garden. It was found on one of our Pheasant Berry plants and proved to be a complete mystery. Well, it may have taken sometime, but at last, I have managed to identify the little beast. The problem was, I had been blinkered by the idea that it must have been either a butterfly or moth caterpillar, but it turns out to have been the larva of a Honeysuckle Sawfly. At last! And a new tick for the life list.

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