Saturday 31 December 2016

2016 Round-up Part 5

Here we are at the end of another year and taking a last look at what has gone before. We have reached October and our memorable trip to Croatia. We spent a wonderful week in Plat, near Dubrovnik and had some lovely weather...
some lovely food and wine...
and plenty of 'culture'.
The old city of Dubrovnik itself, was stunning. Architecturally and historically, it ticked all the boxes from the towering seafront...
to the red-tiled roof-tops.
We had a good time in the beautiful town of Cavtat too.
The sea was clear and blue..
the wildlife was exotic, exciting and in many cases, 'new' to me.
All too soon, the sun set on our holiday and we returned to an autumnal Britain.
Back home and the trees reminded us that Autumn was well advanced by now.
It was a particularly good year for autumn colour.
November saw us taking off again for a few nights away, this time in Llandudno. It was windy and chilly, but thankfully, not as wet as the forecast had promised. We fought our way around the Great Orme with the wind occasionally stopping us in our tracks.
The shadows were lengthening as the year drew to its close.
Then the first frosts of the winter nipped the extremities.
Malcolm's birthday heralded the end of November and by December, we were preparing for the new kitchen. We said our goodbye's to the old one and waited for all the dust, noise and mayhem which was about to come as the new one slowly took shape. The results have been worth it.
So, there we are! It only remains for me to wish a Happy New Year to all who deserve it and 'see you on the other side.'

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