Monday 5 December 2016


It was a chilly start again today with a light frosting coating the ground as we set out for our daily constitutional.  Along Slack lane towards Mapperley Village, things were looking rather chilly. I didn't take my camera this morning (what's left of my mind, was on other things when we left home!) so I've attached some photos from earlier, winter walks.
The hedgerows are bare now except for a few Gorse flowers and hawthorn berries which add their colour to an otherwise grey and wintry scene. The taller grasses too, were still covered with a light frost when we set out. Much of which had gone by the time we returned.
Through the village with a few Christmas trimmings starting to appear and on to the reservoir where the scene was less frosty but no less beautiful .
From here, we climbed Shipley Hill in the sunshine...
Then it was through the woods and down towards Shipley Lake before returning home for a cup of hot coffee. No doubt there will be more winter walks over the coming weeks and hopefully, I will have my camera with me then!

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