Sunday 11 December 2016

All Go

It has been 'all go' lately. Tomorrow, we will be up to our ears in it as we are having a new kitchen fitted. So we have spent the last few days clearing the old kitchen and generally preparing for the upheaval. We have managed to get out and about for a few walks however, despite the rather gloomy weather we've had lately. A couple of days ago, we headed for Osborne's Pond.
We had heard reports of a Mandarin Duck on the lake, but by the time we got there, it had removed itself somewhere else. The lake was populated by the usual Canada Geese, Coots and Mallards.
A large oak tree had lost its leaves, scattering them on the surface of the water, making an attractive pattern.
Back home, it was back to clearing and preparing for it be ripped apart. Say goodbye to the old kitchen....

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