Monday 21 November 2016

Wild Wind

I have already mentioned the strength of the wind we had to contend with while walking around the Great Orme. The west coast of Britain is of course famously windy, so it's hardly surprising this is where npower have chosen to site an off-shore wind farm. Called Gwynt y Môr, it has some 160 turbines, making it the second largest off-shore wind farm in the world.
Generating about 576 Megawatts, electricity started to 'flow' in 2013 and there was certainly no shortage of wind to drive the turbines when we were there.
Living on the Great Orme there are around 200 Feral Kashmir Goats. They have been here since the middle of the 19th century and are descended from a pair given to Queen Victoria by the Shah of Persia. We found one perched on a seemingly precipitous slope and giving us the eye as we passed.
His beard was blowing in the wind, but he was unfazed by the conditions.
By now, it was getting darker as the sun began to set behind the Mountains of Snowdonia.
Time to head back to the town for a warming drink of something.

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