Sunday 20 November 2016


Dominating the countryside next to Llandudno, the limestone headland of The Great Orme is a place to have a good. walk. We had planned to walk round the Marine Drive but thought we would have to forfeit our plans due to the weather forecast. Fortunately, when we got there on Wednesday afternoon, the skies were blue and a the low winter sun made our walk a lot better than anticipated.
The pictures don't show just how windy it was and we were glad to have wrapped up against the chill despite the sunny conditions.
The name 'Orme' comes from the old Norse word urm or orm meaning sea-serpent. The Great Orme is supposed to be the serpent's head, its body being the land between the Great and Little Orme. Incidentally, we get the word 'worm' from the same Norse term.
Looking back, we got a nice view of the pier as we headed round our walk.
Half way round, the Lighthouse came into view. Built in 1862 by the Mersey Docks and Harbour Company, it remained in service until March 1985. It is now a guesthouse.
Perched 360ft above the sea, it must give its residents a great view as they sit down to breakfast.
By this point in our walk, the sun was beginning to set and the wind was blowing ever more fiercely so we got our heads down and pressed on before it got dark.
More to come...

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