Friday 11 March 2016

Foggy, Foggy Dew

Following a really foggy start to the day, things were beginning to improve a little by the time Malcolm and I set out for our morning constitutional. As we got to Mapperley Reservoir, the mist was still hanging over the water and we were amazed by the number of Black-headed Gulls, bobbing about on the surface.
Being something of a geek, I thought I would make a stab at counting them and I can confidently say that the photograph below contains more than 500 gulls.
Later, we passed Shipley Lake and there were at least as many gulls floating about there too. It must have been the fog which had forced the gulls out of the skies (it seemed to be having a similar effect on the planes at east Midlands Airport too).
On the way, we walked over Shipley Hill, taking in the Snowdrops in the mist. By now, the sun was beginning to break through the mist and filter through the trees onto the Snowdrops.
Banks of these flowers are still looking good in the woodland and the misty conditions gave things a somewhat ethereal feeling.

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