Tuesday 15 March 2016


I woke up this morning with the sun shining around the blinds and our local Song Thrush singing his heart out. As it was looking so good, I thought a nice walk around Shipley Hill would be in order, but the best laid plans often go wrong and by the time I had finished breakfast, it was drizzling and rather nasty. So that put an end to my plans.
Instead, I thought I would post a couple of pictures from a our recent stroll through Pewit Carr.
After such a wet and rather stormy winter, one or two trees have succumbed to the wind, especially those which were suffering from disease.
This Willow was showing signs of rot in its heartwood making it weak and vulnerable.
All that dead wood will provide a haven for all sorts of wildlife, proving that even in the face of death, nature has a use for everything.

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