Wednesday 2 March 2016


With the start of March, the weather has taken a turn for the worse and it has become wet and windy again (not to mention bitterly cold). So I thought we'd cheer things up a bit with a few more pictures of the wonderful Snowdrops on Shipley Hill.
You can never have enough of these lovely little flowers...
You can never have enough Cherry blossom either, so a couple more of the very early flowering tree on the site of the old hall.
The pink flowers seemed to be competing with the bare, red stems of a large Dogwood close by.
Much smaller, but no less beautiful  are the flowers of the Alder trees which are also starting to appear. The male flowers are far more obvious in form of catkins, dangling from the branches, but look closely and you will also see the diminutive, red female flowers too.
Lets hope the weather picks up a bit again in the next few days and we can once more get out and about in the sunshine.

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