Monday 29 February 2016

Leap Day

Well, here we are again, at the end of another month and at the end of 'Meteorological Winter'. As if all that wasn't enough, it's a leap day, so we will have to wait an extra day for the start of Spring this year. Having said that, our walk around Shipley Hill this morning would have you thinking that Spring had sprung already. The Daffodils are now opening their flowers, joining the Snowdrops.
We have not walked through the woods on Shipley Hill for some time now, as the weather has been so wet and it's been far too muddy. But following a few dry days, conditions were much better this morning - and what a wonderful spectacle awaited us. Not just the Daffodils...
... But drifts of snowdrops too...
Thousands of them...
All through the trees on top of the hill, carpets of Snowdrops were cheering the scene with unrestrained joy, poking through the leaf litter...
and meandering between the trees like a white river.
Onto the site of the Old Hall, the trees there are just beginning to show some colour too. One cherry in particular was very eager to show off its blossom.
For the last day of Winter, it wasn't at all bad. And Spring doesn't start until tomorrow!

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