Wednesday 3 February 2016


It is said that somewhere in Britain, Gorse (Ulex europaeus) will be in flower every day of the year. Certainly, it seems to be as happy blooming in mid winter as it is in high summer and so it was this morning as Malcolm and I strolled along Slack Lane, their brightly coloured flowers were highlighting the otherwise drab hedgerows.
Without the sunshine to warm the flowers, there was no sign of the coconut fragrance which usually accompanies gorse flowers, but the colour alone was a welcome sight at this time of year.
We encountered the Gorse on our way back home having already been to check on the Snowdrops on Shipley Hill. Having started so quickly, the Snowdrops seem to have stalled a little, but some are still making a very brave effort to brighten up the woodland floor.
Much chillier this morning, we headed home for a hot coffee to warm us up.

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