Thursday 28 January 2016

Early Blooms

This time last year, we were in the middle of a cold snap with snow on the ground and a distinctly chilly feel to things. One year on and this morning found Malcolm and I taking a sunny walk along slack Lane towards Mapperley Reservoir. Chillier than of late, it was nonetheless milder than a year ago.
At the far end of the reservoir, a large flock of Black-headed Gulls were drifting about in the breeze, highlighted by the sunshine. Apart from the gulls and a few Coots and Tufted Ducks, there was little of note on the water. One of the drawbacks of a mild winter is the almost complete lack of over-wintering wildfowl.
Walking on, we came to the old boat lodge house and a rather colourful look along the reservoir footpath.
Long shadows and blue skies always make for a good picture.
Onward and upward, we set out for Shipley Hill and the main reason for doing this walk today. With such mild weather, the Snowdrops and Daffodils are blooming much earlier than usual this year and we wanted to check on them. Still just a little premature with our expectations, the Snowdrops are just starting to open and the daffodils have a little way to go yet, but a few are starting to show some colour.
The Snowdrops which are in bloom, are those found growing in patches of sunlight between the trees leaving their shady neighbours with about a week to go before they get their moment in the sun.
It's all a bit spring-like!

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