Monday 23 November 2015


At last, after an unusually mild autumn, we have had our first frosts of the year. So this morning, with the thermometer still perilously close to freezing, we set out for a walk around Shipley Park and the surrounding Wildlife Trusts farmland. Looking across the fields from Parker's Bridge, a slight rime of frost could be seen clinging to the dead grasses and rushes.
Further along the path things were looking equally wintry as we looked out, over the fields of Head House Farm, the only colour coming from the rather weak-looking sun struggling to be seen behind some low cloud.
Along Slack Lane and the large oak trees were standing like sentinels, guarding the lane.
Their trunks are covered with ivy and with the holly in the hedges too, it all leads to thoughts of Christmas, mince pies, crackers and sage and onion!
Ooooh! It's all getting exciting.

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