Friday 20 November 2015


Despite the sunshine this morning, it had become noticeably colder and we set out around Shipley Lake with coats, hats and (in Malcolm's case) gloves covering our extremities. It is supposed to get even colder over the next few days and snow has been mentioned in the forecast. A good job then, that the bushes are still well stocked with berries for the hungry birds.
These Cotoneaster bushes were particularly well covered with bright red fruits as we passed by near Shipley Lake.
Five years ago, we were on the verge of a particularly cold period of weather which was about to dump a huge amount of snow on us and freeze us with temperatures as low as -15C. Let's hope things don't get that cold, but we can't really complain as we have not even had a frost yet this year! I guess that will all change this weekend, but at least the bushes are ready for the cold.

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