Tuesday 27 October 2015

Seven Years on...

Today marks the seventh anniversary of this Blog.  It certainly doesn't seem like seven years ago since I was getting to grips with the first Blog post of 'Random Jottings' and I'm sure I didn't expect to be still posting pictures and comments seven years later.
Seven years ago, I was just as gushing about the colours of autumn and the first picture I posted, caught the mood...
I was also taken by the colourful berries of the Guelder Rose...
And the heads of the Great Reedmace growing along the banks of our local lakes...
Shortly after starting this Blog, I posted some pictures from our walk around Ilam Hall. I seem to remember enjoying exploring that area and with the 'new' photographic technique I was talking about yesterday, My picture of Ilam Hall has been transformed. See the original HERE and now...
So, here's to the next seven years.!

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