Friday 30 October 2015

Rained in

It has been a frustrating few days. After a fairly dry autumn so far, we have now been subjected to quite a lot of rain making our walks brief at best. It does however give me a chance to post a few pictures of the spectacular autumn colour, not yet featured on the Blog. First of these was taken a few days ago, looking down from the bridge across Shipley Lake, to the 'overflow' lake.
The Beech leaves overhanging the water, were looking at heir golden best, as were the Maples close by, as we looked towards Shipley Hill.
Playing with the images again (is this becoming an obsession?) you get some interesting effects. here, from a walk we took through Shipley Park a few weeks ago...
... And here, from the entrance to the old 'american Adventure' car parks...
With all the recent rain, the leaves have been falling and the colours fading rapidly, so I expect there will not be very many more chances to capture the colours of autumn. Next it will be the harsher beauties of winter frosts - something we have been spared so far this year. It's not often we get to the end of October without having had a frost!

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