Thursday 8 October 2015

Bright and Beautiful

Our walk this morning, took us through Shipley Park and on to Osborne's Pond before returning via Shipley Hill. But the walk was dominated by one thing. Following the wet and windy weather of the last few days, this morning's sunshine highlighted the magnificent autumn colours again. The spectacle began as soon as we'd left the estate and started on our walk proper, with a row of tall trees which border the houses beyond.
Further on, we reached the old theme park car parks and here, the Maples and Ash trees were every bit as gloriously coloured.

One small Maple in particular, seemed to be trying to out-do it's neighbours with its own, spectacular display.

It was just crying out to be photographed. Getting a bit closer, I was surrounded by the most brilliant golden glow as the sunshine filtered through the leaves. Simply breathtaking!
With a little 'bloom' added, it all becomes overwhelmingly colourful...
No doubt, we've not seen the last of these autumnal colours, so there will surely be more pictures yet to come...

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