Friday 9 October 2015

Autumn Spectacle

It's easy to get carried away with the vast array of colourful autumn views. Over the last few days, I have waxed lyrical about the wonderful display we are enjoying this year, but anyone witnessing the spectacle this year, would forgive this indulgence.  This morning for instance, we set out for Mapperley Reservoir in bright sunshine and we were greatly impressed by the view across the water.
Without a breath of wind, the water's surface was glass-smooth, reflecting the colourful trees on the other side of the reservoir.
Only the occasional ripple from a jumping fish, diving grebe or squabbling coot, disturbed the scene.
Peaceful and beautiful.
Just as beautiful, but in a very different way, was the view we had of the scrubby ground just off the estate. Being still fairly early and having had a chilly night and a heavy dew, hundreds of spider's webs were coated in water droplets which caught the sun and sparkled.
Difficult to capture on camera because of having to point straight into the sun, it was a spectacle which needed to be photographed.  It's turning into a great autumn.

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