Wednesday 23 September 2015

New Paths

The sunshine this morning, made me want to get out and about for a slightly longer walk, making the most of the better weather. So, I set off through Shipley Park, up and over Shipley Hill, heading for Bell Lane.
We have explored some of Bell Lane in the past when walking from Cinder Hill and the Visitors' Centre, to Mapperley Reservoir. But, according to the map, the lane carries on up to Main Road, Smalley, crossing what has become a vast open-cast mine and I have often wondered how far you can get along the lane.
Just a few yards further on from these pictures, there is a barrier across the path with various warnings to beware of the heavy plant which goes with the mining territory. One can still get through and carry on along the lane, but you have to wait for an attendant to usher you safely across the divide. I decided not to bother with that and turned back, whereupon I discovered another new track leading off Bell Lane, so I decided to see where it led.
This new path is bordered on one side by a high fence keeping you away from the mine workings and by the trees which surround Mapperley Reservoir.
The hedgerows hereabouts were full of the ripening fruits of the Black Bryony plants.
Occasionally, you could glimpse through the hedges to the mine workings beyond - or to be more accurate, what is now being turned into more country park following the coal extraction.
Eventually, we should be able to extend our walks over all of this 'new' parkland, but for the moment, we must be patient and wait for UK Coal to finish their work.
There will be more to come from this morning's walk...

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