Friday 25 September 2015

Autumnal Colours

With Malcolm safely back home and the sun still shining we set out for a walk to Mapperley Village, the reservoir and Shipley Hill this morning. Everywhere, the colours of Autumn are beginning to look their best.
As always, the Maples are the best and showiest of the seasons players.
Walking around the reservoir the other day, it was clear that not all the trees are turning yet. In most cases, the green of summer is still the dominant shade.
With the sunlight filtering through the canopy, it all looked surprising un-autumn like.
Even the matriarchal oak trees are still hanging on to their green leaves, despite their ripening acorns.
In the fields around the area, the Highland Cattle were enjoying the sunshine too. The cute little calf mentioned before, was certainly having a good time, relaxing in the sun.
Indeed, it looked as if he was having difficulty keeping awake.

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