Wednesday 18 March 2015

Into the Whale's Mouth

Along the path which leads to the lighthouse, we were presented with the sight of a large cave, set high on the escarpment.  Unfortunately, the sun was a bit of a nuisance for taking pictures, always seeming to be in the wrong place. But I managed a few decent pics nevertheless. The cave goes by the name of 'The Whale's Mouth'.
Indeed the whole area was pitted with caves and holes of varying shapes and sizes.  This was just the biggest of them.
Looking in the other direction, the hill tops showed many more smaller caves.
As well as the natural holes, there was a man-made one too. This hole in the ground was once a red ochre mine and some of the old mine buildings were still visible in a ruinous state, dotted about the hill side.
Red Ochre was mined as a non-toxic pigment used for painting, right up to the 1970's and was once also exported - even to Britain. Despite the hard work involved getting the red ochre out of the ground, the workers would have had a decent view - if they had time to look at it!
At the end of the trail, we reached our objective, the Lighthouse.
Again, the views were spectacular from this vantage point and we even got to look around inside the lighthouse on our second visit.
And it was free!!! As we remarked at the time, if this had been in Britain, there would have been a car park charging at least £2 and an officious person in a cap charging you £5 entrance fee, but here in Spain, nothing!

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