Thursday 19 March 2015

Boats and Final Views

As I have said, there was not a lot to do in Albir. Of course the walk to the lighthouse was beautiful, but other than that, the only decent walk we got was along the sea front towards Altea and the small harbour there. Typically for the Mediterranean, the harbour was full of everything from small, beaten up old craft, to high-end luxury yachts.
The town of Altea was visible beyond the harbour, rising up on a hill behind.
Unlike Albir, Altea seemed to have an old part of town as well as the modern sea-front buildings. The blue-domed edifice of the church of the Virgin del Consuelo rising above all.
Returning for the last time to the Serra Gelada and our walks to the lighthouse, the warm, humid weather made for quite a lot of sea mist. as the mist rose and condensed on the mountains, it produced some lovely effects.
It was all rather atmospheric as we sat looking over the edge of the precipice.
Not a bad few days away.

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