Sunday 4 January 2015

Frosty Start

So, here we go again with another year.
We started this one with a very frosty walk this morning.  The thermometer was still reading -3.7 degrees when we set out and as it's Sunday and we always try to avoid the Sunday cyclists on the trails, we decided an 'off-piste' approach would be best. With this in mind, we headed for Slack Lane and Head House Farm.
A clear blue sky and the icy - but still - air were proving to be just the thing to get the blood pumping, even if it did leave me numb fingers as I took these pictures.
Getting towards the farm, the hedges were covered in frost, adding to the sharp appearance of the holly growing therein.
The small gathering of houses known as The Brook came into view and one of these had a fire burning in the grate, sending smoke curling into the sky. All adding to the picturesque scene.
Then, it was onward, under the old railway bridge...
And then to the old railway lines of the West Hallam Colliery.
By now, we were walking with our faces turned to the sun which warmed us a little, but it was nice to head for home and a hot coffee.
All in all, not a bad start to the year I think!

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