Thursday 8 January 2015

Favourite Photos

At the moment, there seems to be very little to get excited about around Shipley Country Park. The odd frosty morning supplies some lovely shots, but even those have been few and far between again this year. It's all good for the gas bill, but not for photographic opportunities. With that in mind, I thought it would be worth while looking back at some of my favourite photos from 2014.
January, saw Malcolm and me walking in more exotic parts as we spent a week in Portugal. The cliff-top walks provided a few good views.

Signs of an early Spring were beginning to dominate during February. Snowdrops were blooming on Shipley Hill.
 While the very wet weather meant that a full Mapperley Reservoir made the perfect mirror.
Blossom took over during March...
And the Mute Swans on 'Swan Lake' were getting in the spring mood too.
By the end of April, the Bluebells were putting on their usual breathtaking display.
May 2014 saw the first of the year's fledglings taking their unsteady first flights - including this little charmer.
 This Goldfinch made a stunningly colourful visit to our back garden.
The quantity of Orchids which bloomed in June, simply cried out to be photographed - so I did!
 And as for cute, this Grey Squirrel took the prize for June.
More tomorrow...

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