Tuesday 18 November 2014

Look Back

Following a few days of showers, fog and general damp, dreary weather, it was nice to be able to get out and about once more this morning. Following an early downpour, the clouds cleared and the sun actually put in an appearance (we were pretty sure it was still up there somewhere) so we donned coats and boots and headed out.  It's incredibly wet under foot, causing us to have to splash through puddles and avoid the worst of the mud (whenever possible). The maples however are still managing to hold on to their leaves and with the sun shining on them, they looked lovely against a blue sky.
Looking back.
Four years ago, we were experiencing much the same sort of weather, with foggy mornings being the norm. Then however, it was bitterly cold too, something we have not had to cope with yet this year. This picture was from 19th November 2010...
Back then, the Black-headed Gulls at Straw's Bridge were looking a little confused by the foggy conditions...
...But those around Manor Floods were still flying around, appearing and disappearing in the mist as they circled round the lake.
Getting back to today, we are still struck by the total lack of winter wildfowl so far this year.  This is a phenomenon not only observed in these parts. The wildfowl sanctuary at Slimbridge in Gloucestershire has recorded the latest arrival of its Bewick Swans (their annual winter spectacle), since 1969.  It seems that the unusually mild weather has considerably delayed migration this year. Still, there's plenty of time yet.

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