Saturday 15 November 2014


The weather forecasters tell us that this year has been the warmest on record - so far!  Certainly, despite the rather dreary conditions this morning, which prevented our normal walk routine, it remains very mild for the time of year. It is often said that a heavy berry crop is indicative of a harsh winter to come. I can't help thinking it has more to do with a good summer just past. The hedgerows around these parts are quite laden at the moment and among the most fruitful are the Pyracanthas.
These will provide much needed sustenance for hungry birds during the coming few months.
It's not just the Pyracantha either. These Cotoneaster bushes, growing around the disused car-parks of the old theme park site, are just as heavily laden.
So mild has it been, that we are still awaiting the usual influx of winter migrants - the Redwings, Fieldfares and Waxwings (hopefully), which will soon make short work of these colourful fruits.

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