Tuesday 9 September 2014

Holyrood Park

Continuing our walk around Holyrood Park, we were delighted to see some fine views across the surrounding countryside. Here, we were looking across to Duddingston Loch and the Pentland Hills in the distance.
We were not the only ones who seemed to be enjoying the views. The local Jackdaws are a noisy presence as they flit about, but this one at least managed to sit still for a few seconds to allow a couple of shots. This one seemed to be admiring the large, white building of Prestonfield Golf Club...
...while keeping one beady eye on us at all times.
Looking in a slightly different direction, the view takes in the centre of Edinburgh and specifically, the Castle in the distance. At the time of our visit, the castle esplanade was still dominated by the enormous seating structure, erected for the famous Edinburgh Tattoo.
Continuing the view around, we looked out across the Firth of Forth towards Dunfirmline.
A lovely walk and some lovely views too.  What could be better?

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