Sunday 7 September 2014

Arthur's Seat

Moving on from st Anthony's chapel, we set out for a walk around Holyrood Park and Arthur's Seat. Formed about 350 million years ago, the rocky heart of Holyrood Park is the solidified inside of a volcanic system which includes the rock on which Edinburgh Castle is built.
The rest of the volcano was eroded away by glaciers moving from west to east, finally exposing the harder, rocky crags about two million years ago. The cliffs are made of Dolerite and Columnar Basalt.
A couple of small lochs are to be found around the park. These are not natural features, but were constructed by Prince Albert as part of wider improvements made to the park in the mid 1850 which included the road which circles the park, known as Queen's Drive.
Coming to the end of our walk around the park, we came back to st Margaret's Loch. Another of Prince Albert's improvements, St Margaret's is popular with tourists and wildfowl alike. Ducks, geese and Swans are always present, as are the pigeons. And all constantly overlooked by St Anthony's Chapel on the hill above.

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